Thursday, June 21, 2012


do you know what you're looking at? me neither. let me clarify. i know that this is my "garden" and that i planted many things in it and put much much llama manure on it (like a whole truckbed full), but at this point i find it difficult to distinguish the weeds from the plants. i guess that's the thing about gardens is you have to do stuff with them throughout the growing season; namely, watering and weeding. so, i was in my "garden" the other day and started to panic because all i'm really finding is broccoli and tomatoes and a few leeks and sage which is not all that i planted. my solution was to grab handfuls of seeds and spreading them all willy-nilly throughout the sunniest least weedy areas. i started out the year really on top of my game. i got my starters planted in early march and did the a whole manure/tilling bonanza just so i could avoid this exact situation. oh well, it's not a complete bust. i know i'll have tomatoes and . . . there's always next year.

Friday, June 15, 2012

What my eating?

today was a salad day, which turned into salad and rice (when i read about rice - i'm pretty impressionable, luckily i wasn't reading about beer), which quickly evolved into sushi. i guess it's not technically sushi since it's fish-free, but it was delicious. so i washed and chopped radishes, jalapeno pepper, avocado, cucumber, red pepper, carrots, and some mint and kale from the garden, rolled it all up with some rice . . . mmmmmm. *like how terrible my photos are?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

long woods deep

I have to come to terms with something . . . I have a perchance for quitting. I'm a hard worker and I like to start things, but finishing them is another story. I'm a quitter. I have quit or thought about quitting pretty much everything in my life. I quit college and I tried to quit climbing a mountain mid-ascent and I quit my marriage until I thought better of it. I even quit laboring for a few hours while I was giving birth. I'm sure there's some psychological basis for my quitting, but I'm not interested in that. I AM interested in turning over a new leaf and sticking to something for the long haul. So, I'm going to blog. Admitedly, it's not revolutionary and it won't keep my child warm at night (like that half-finished quilt in the closet). It won't even help me keep my house clean or work more (if anything it will help me procrastinate doing both of those). However, it's something I've decided to do for real this time. This will be my third blog attempt in as many years and this time it's going to be awesome. I vow to blog everyday for a year! . . . Maybe every other day . . . Probably a few times a week . . . we'll see how it goes.