Thursday, June 21, 2012


do you know what you're looking at? me neither. let me clarify. i know that this is my "garden" and that i planted many things in it and put much much llama manure on it (like a whole truckbed full), but at this point i find it difficult to distinguish the weeds from the plants. i guess that's the thing about gardens is you have to do stuff with them throughout the growing season; namely, watering and weeding. so, i was in my "garden" the other day and started to panic because all i'm really finding is broccoli and tomatoes and a few leeks and sage which is not all that i planted. my solution was to grab handfuls of seeds and spreading them all willy-nilly throughout the sunniest least weedy areas. i started out the year really on top of my game. i got my starters planted in early march and did the a whole manure/tilling bonanza just so i could avoid this exact situation. oh well, it's not a complete bust. i know i'll have tomatoes and . . . there's always next year.

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